GL+ is a device for detecting and treating ear and acupuncture reflex points with red or infrared radiation..
Used in auricolomedicine, it allows to localise or treat patological points with the VAS technique of Dott. Paul Nogier (A-G frequencies).
It is also included the L frequency discovred recently by Dott. R. Nogier.
Seven tratment programs presets.
GL+ can also be used for detection of pathological zones and laterality tests.
The device has a LCD display showing the parameters set. It comes with two red light spots (red and red with optical fiber, 630 nm) and an infrared light spot (880 nm) that an me mounted on the device according if the operator is right handed or left handed.
Deliverd in a wooden case.
GL+ is a class IIa medical device according to MD 93/42 CEE.
Used in auricolomedicine, it allows to localise or treat patological points with the VAS technique of Dott. Paul Nogier (A-G frequencies).
It is also included the L frequency discovred recently by Dott. R. Nogier.
Seven tratment programs presets.
GL+ can also be used for detection of pathological zones and laterality tests.
The device has a LCD display showing the parameters set. It comes with two red light spots (red and red with optical fiber, 630 nm) and an infrared light spot (880 nm) that an me mounted on the device according if the operator is right handed or left handed.
Deliverd in a wooden case.
GL+ is a class IIa medical device according to MD 93/42 CEE.